The sacred Tulasi plant is revered by all especially by the followers of Vedic culture. Let us see what the scriptures say about having a Tulasi plant at home and what benefits we get by worshipping her.
- Skanda Purana says that if one worships Tulasi then one attains the same result which one attains by worshipping Saligrama Sila on sravana dvadasi. Text 106
- Garuda Purana says that if one is worshipping Tulasi then one will attain the same result which one obtains by observing fast on Janmashtami or by honouring the fruit, dhatri. Text 107
- Garuda Purana quoting the demigods say that by worshipping Tulasi Maharani one gets the same result which one gets by bathing in Prayaga or leaving his body in Varanasi. Text 108
- Agastya Samhita states that if one is worshipping Tulasi Devi properly then she fulfills the desires of all the men and women of the four varnas and ashramas. Text 109
- Simply by planting Tulasi Devi, watering her, seeing her or touching her purifies one’s existence. Upon being worshipped by love and devotion she fulfils all the desires. Text 110
- If one is circumambulating Tulasi Devi regularly and also bowing down to her regularly then that person becomes free from all the sins. Text 111
- In Narada Purana in the Yajnadhvaja’s story it is stated, “A person’s fortune increases everyday if one begins worshipping Tulasi daily in their house.” Text 112
- There is a conversation in Padma Purana between Devaduta and Vikundala wherein it is said, “In each Dvadasi all the demigods headed by Lord Brahma reverentially worship Tulasi forest.” Text 113
- A person who glorifies Tulsi with beautiful prayers for sure becomes dear to devtas, pitas and human beings. Text 114
- Skanda Purana categorically says that in this age of Kali yuga Lord Hari who is the controller of the universes and the demigods is pleased only by Tulsi and by nothing else. Text 115.
- In Kali – yuga, Lord Krishna avoids staying in holy places and in sacred mountains but prefers staying in Tulasi forest. Text 116
- A person for sure attains Lord’s supreme abode if he plants a Tulsi forest or even sees her. Text 117
- A place is like a graveyard if in that place there are no devotees of Vishnu (Vaisnavas), Lord Vishnu’s deity, fruit bearing dhatri tree and no sacred Tulsi plant. Text 118
- Even Yamaraj or his order carriers, Yamaduttas, may be displeased with a person but they cannot do anything to him if he has planted Tulsi for the pleasure of Lord Krishna. Text 119
- A person’s thousands of offenses are forgiven by the merciful Lord if he plants Tulasi in temples or holy places. A place becomes sacred and dear to Lord Vishnu if Tulasi is planted in that place. Text 120 & 121
- A person can please the three worlds by simply offering water to Tulsi. Text 122
- Lord Brahma says to sage Narada that “Shraddha ceremony to please pitas (forefathers) should be done in Tulasi forest.” Text 124
- Brahma tells Narada, “Pinda offering to the forefathers should be done in a place where seeds of Tulasi have fallen. This ensures the success of the shraddha ceremony.” Text 125
- By planting her, seeing her, hearing about her, remembering her, serving her, watering her, bowing to her, serving her, touching her one gets auspicious results. Text 126
- If one worships Tulasi Devi as mentioned above then he becomes fortunate to reside in the kingdom of Lord Hari for ten billion yugas. Text 127
- As soon as a new root appears in the sacred Tulasi plant, the person who has planted the sacred tree in Kali yuga earns ten billion pious credit. Text 128
- The benefits which one get by planting the sacred plant is enormous. As a new branch or a new twig or a new seed or a new flower or a new fruit grows on Tulasi Devi, the person who had the fortune of planting the plant gets several pious descendants. Text 129
- The holy Purana further glorifies the person who worships the Tulasi plant by saying that “all those who were born in his family or who is going to be born in his family from the beginning of the kalpa and extending up to a thousand yugas in future gets to reside in the kingdom of Lord Hari.” Text 130
- Avanti Khanda says that those who plant Tulasi and offer her leaves at the lotus feet of Lord Hari becomes extremely fortunate in this age of Kali yuga. Text 131
- In the age of Kali yuga if someone plants Tulasi, glorifies her, remembers her, baths her, gives her in charity, offers her to Krishna’s lotus feet and after offering eats the remnants of the sacred leaves then all his sins are burned. Text 132
- In Kasi Khanda, Yamaraja instructs his messengers, the Yamaduttas, “Please stay away from a person who chants the names of Tulasi, decorates himself with Tulasi or who has protected a Tulasi forest.” Text 133
- In Kasi Khanda, Dhruva – carita it is further mentioned that, “The servants of Yamaraj, the Yamaduttas, will never enter a house where Tulasi is worshipped reverentially daily.” Text 134
- In Padma Purana there is a conversation between Devaduta and Vikundala where it is said, “A person who has planted a Tulasi never ever sees Yamaraj or his messengers. Tulasi forest is so glorious that she removes all sins of a person and fulfils all the desires.” Text 135
- Just by keeping the sacred Tulasi plant at home, the home gets transformed into a holy place. Yamaraj or his servants never ever enter such a house. Text 136
- Those who plant the sacred Tulasi plant, stay for each of its seed and its leaf, in Devaloka, the heavenly planet, for a thousand years. Text 137
- The forefathers (pitas) becomes so happy when they smell the scent of Tulasi. Happily riding on Garuda, the king of birds, they go to the kingdom of Lord Hari. Text 138
- Bathing in the holy Ganges, seeing the river Narmada and touching a sacred Tulasi leaf are three equal pious activity. Text 139
- When a person serves sacred Tulasi by planting her, watering her, touching her, seeing her, protecting her, worshipping her then it burns all his sins which he might have committed with his body, minds and words. Text 140
- Tulasi plant is so glorious that her single branch is equal to hundred pippala trees or thousand mango trees. Text 141
- When a Vaisnava plants Tulasi Devi then for hundred thousand yugas he enjoys in Devaloka. Text 142
- In Padma Purana, Vaisakha mahatmya it is mentioned, “All the holy places including Puskara, all the holy rivers including Ganges, all the deities including the deity of Lord Krishna, the Supreme Lord reside in every single Tulasi leaf.” Text 143
- Just like Haritaki which cures bodily disease similarly the sacred Tulasi swiftly removes all kinds of sufferings, diseases, sins and poverty. Text 144
- When the forefathers are given the remnants of Tulasi and sacred water then they are so pleased. It is like they have been offered water for a period of ten thousand years. Text 146
- Just like it’s an offense to consider Lord Vasudeva who resides in Vaikuntha an ordinary person or to consider saligrama sila an ordinary stone similarly it is an offense to consider Tulasi as an ordinary tree. Tulasi Devi is an incarnation of Lakshmi, goddess of fortune, and she has appeared by the will of Krishna as a tree in this material world for our benefit. In fact, those who plant her, worship her, sings her glories, sees her, touches her then she mercifully destroys all the sins of those person. Text 148 – 150
- In Agastya – Samhita, it is mentioned that “As Sita Devi is so dear to Lord Ram, the Supreme Lord of the three worlds similarly Tulasi Devi who purifies the three world is also dear to Lord Ram. Text 151
- When Lord Ram was exiled to the forest he stayed with his consort, Sita Devi, in a forest which was filled with sacred Tulasi trees and hundreds of beautiful flowers. Text 152
- A single Tulasi plant is so potent that it purifies all the places which is within 2 miles. It is as if the entire area within two miles have been inundated with sacred Ganges water. Text 153
- Those who leave their body near a Tulasi plant do not have to go to hell. In fact, they are so fortunate that they go to the spiritual abode. Text 154
- Those who practice austerity religiously and those who see the sacred Tulasi as soon as they open their eyes in the morning become from that very moment from all the sins which they might have committed in days and nights.
- In fact, it is also important that the person should have taken a vow not to again commit any sins. Its not that the person may intentionally continue committing sin and expect that their sins will be abolished if they see the sacred Tulasi plant early morning. Text 155
- In Garuda Purana it is mentioned, “O great Garuda, son of Vinata, those who plant Tulasi Devi attains liberation for sure.” Text 156
- “O Garuda, the king of birds, those who plant Tulasi at home or in a forest or in a beautiful garden has done a wonderful deed. Its akin to creating seven worlds.” Text 157
- “If a person takes rest in a Tulasi forest then he becomes freed from all the sins for sure which he would have committed for ten million births.” Text 158
- If a person circumambulates a Tulasi forest while chanting the thousand names, then he attains the result equivalent to ten thousand yajnas. Text 159
- Hari Bhakti sudhodaya says that Lord Vishnu always stays in Tulasi forest hoping that some devotee will offer him an unbroken Tulasi leaf. Text 160
- Narada Purana glorifies the worship of Tulasi by saying that “If one chants the names of Ganga then Ganga destroys all his sins. But when someone chants the holy names of Lord Hari then Tulasi Devi grants him the gift of devotional service.” Text 161
- Lord Hari prefers to be in that place where there is a lotus forest or forest of Tulasi or at the place where Puranas are read. Text 162
Note: Reference to the text is from Sri Hari Bhakti Vilasa, Chapter – Ninth Vilasa