ISKCON devotees held candlelight protest in Kolkata and West Bengal against the attack on Hindus and Iskcon devotees in Bangladesh.
While the world sleeps and remains indifferent to the plight of the Hindus in Bangladesh, Iskcon devotees in Bangladesh and in India are trying to wake the indifferent regime by holding protests. Iskcon Kolkata protested outside Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Kolkata. Hundreds of devotees holding candles protested the attack and the gruesome killing of Iskcon devotee and other innocent Hindus in Bangladesh. HG Radheshyam Prabhu a senior Iskcon devotee and President Iskcon Pune led the protest with kirtan.
Iskcon to hold protest all over the world against the attack
Iskcon has decided to protest all over the world in front of Bangladesh High Commission. Radharaman Das, Vice President, ISKCON Kolkata said, “Cycle of violence in Bangladesh in past few days hasn’t stopped. There was dance of death inside ISKCON temple on Friday. ISKCON will continue to protest outside Bangladesh High Commissions across the world until the guilty are punished”
Iskcon devotees also protested in Siliguri, West Bengal with a torch rally.
Protest is happening also in Bangladesh. Hindus and non communal Bangladeshis have taken to the street to protest the violence against the Hindus in Bangladesh.
The world remained silent when Hindus were being attacked and killed in Bangladesh. The Indian government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has not issued any official statement on the anti Hindu riots in Bangladesh. Some of the media reports suggested that the Indian government is satisfied with the efforts of Bangladesh government in controlling the riot. However Iskcon Bangladesh has strong refuted that the situation in Bangladesh is normal. Hindus and Iskcon devotees are still living in fear.
Expressing deep anguish at such reports Iskcon Bangladesh tweeted, “The news reported that India has praised Bangladesh’s efforts to control the situation. Who says the situation is under control @MEAIndia ? Are Indians blind? Never expected From India.”
Devotees killed, temples destroyed, Bhagavad Gita desecrated, Srila Prabhupada deity burnt
Heart wrenching videos of brutal attacks by Muslim mobs on Hindus is slowly surfacing. A Iskcon devotee is critically injured. Not sure if he survived or not. Even if he survives will he be able to lead a normal life?
Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Hindu holy book, desecrated, temples burnt. Secular world remained silent. Secular Hindus did not say anything else they will lose their secular credentials. Placard activists did not find time from their busy schedule to tweet in support of Bangladeshi Hindus. Reason is simple – #HindusLivesDoesNotMatter
Deity of Srila Prabhupada, founder acharya of Iskcon and a prominent vaisnvav saint desecrated in Bangladesh. Violent Muslim mobs attacked Hindus and Hindu temples because they alleged (falsely) that their holy book was demeaned. So they have been killing Hindus, destroying Hindu temples, desecrating Hindu holy scriptures like Bhagavad Gita and burning the deity of acharyas like Srila Prabhupada.
While Hindus suffer brutal attack in Bangladesh, world remains silent
As the world remained mute spectator and did not come out to support the Hindus in Bangladesh, Iskcon Bangladesh in deep anguish tweeted a quote of Martin Luther King Jr., “We Will remember not the words of Our enemy, but the silence of Our Friends.”
Without any support from the Bangladesh government and the Indian government Hindus in Bangladesh are fighting for survival. They know that the world will not hear their cry. They have to be there for each other and wipe the tears of their near and dear ones.
So they have decided to come out on the street and protest the attack on Hindus and Iskcon devotees in Bangladesh. It is always better to die fighting than being slaughtered like a goat in the slaughterhouse.