If we develop a desire to invite Krishna to reside in our heart then Krishna will surely come because he is our best well wishing friend – suhṛdaṁ sarva-bhūtānāṁ, Bhagavad Gita 5.29.
None of us are without any desires. In fact, we always make different plans to satisfy our material desires. But most of the time, we see that our desires do not get fulfilled. And these unfulfilled desires cause lots of pain and frustration.
For example, last year at the beginning of the year, we had jotted down list of goals which we wanted to achieve in 2024. Now if we introspect, we will find that many of our goals were not realized.
But some may protest saying that some were indeed achieved. Unfulfilled desires make us sad but what about fulfilled desires? Let us pause for a moment and introspect and ask ourselves that are these fulfilled desires giving us great satisfaction?
Few examples
Duryodhana was successful in driving away Pandavas to forest for 13 years and enjoy the kingdom. But during these periods was he happy and satisfied? Ravana was able to marry so many beautiful queens. But did it satisfy him? The answer is well known. Similarly, our material desires, whether unfulfilled or fulfilled, fail to satisfy our heart.
Why? It is because we are not material beings, we are not robots, but we are spiritual beings. So, the things of this world do not have the capability to satisfy us. In fact, the more the material desires we have, the more miserable we become. So, Bhagavad Gita says that if we desire to attain peace then we should shun all material desires. Bhagavad Gita 2.71
Soul cannot be desireless
Now as souls we cannot be desireless. So, the holy books say that along with giving up material desires we should also simultaneously cultivate spiritual desires. In fact, as we begin nurturing spiritual desires in our heart the material desires gradually starts disappearing. So, what kind of spiritual desire we should have?
The desire which helps us go closer to Krishna should be developed. In fact, Krishna is also eager that we quickly give up all worldly desires and go back to him. And to help us attain him, he appears as his own devotee as Lord Gauranga to teach us how to become his devotee.
Medicine for the sleeping souls
Great vaisnava saint, Srila Bhakitvinod Thakura says that Lord Gauranga has appeared in this world to wake us, the sleeping souls – jiv jago, jiv jago, gauracanda bole. Further he says that Lord Gauranga has brought for us the perfect medicine which can deliver us from all sufferings. And that medicine is the chanting of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra – enechi aushadhi maya nasibaro lagi’ / hari-nama maha-mantra lao tumi magi’
The holy name of Krishna is the perfect medicine for all the suffering souls. By regularly and attentively chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra, our heart gets cleansed of all material desires. It also gets rid of vices like lust, anger and greed. Once our heart gets purified, we will experience peace. And since we are under the shelter of the holy name, so the love of Krishna also begins gradually manifesting in our heart bringing great bliss.
So, why to nurture material desires and suffer. Instead let us make plans to cultivate spiritual desires, so that we attain freedom from all sufferings. This year let us invite Krishna to reside in our heart. This is the best way to begin this year.