What happens to the washerman who offends Krishna in Mathura?

What happens to the washerman who offends Krishna in Mathura?

During Mahaprakash lila, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu told the story of the washerman who offends Krishna in Mathura. This pastime of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was beautifully explained by HH Bhakti Chaitanya Swami Maharaj during his Chaitanya Charitamrita class at Iskcon Newtown Kolkata.

Below article is based on the class given by HH Bhakti Chaitanya Swami Maharaj at Iskcon Newtown, Kolkata on 27th Feb 2025.

During Mahaprakash Lila, Lord Chaitanya was appreciating that Mukunda has some devotion. In order to make point about the importance of devotion in the life of a devotee, Lord Chaitanya referred to the pastimes of Krishna when he entered Mathura, his pastime with the washerman.  

Washerman offends Krishna when Krishna asks for clothes

Lord Chaitanya said that when Krishna entered Mathura, he met washerman and washerman was carrying basket full of laundry belonging to Kamsa. And Lord Krishna said look at these nice clothes, would you not like to give some to us which is suitable for us.

Washerman became arrogant and said, “These are the king’s clothes and who are you. You are just little boys of forest. So, if you want some clothes, go into forest, take some leaves and tree barks and put some clothes.” This was a deliberate insult.

Krishna did not like this and did not say anything more. He just slapped the man on the face. And the man’s head fell down. That was the end of washerman for the time being. Actually, we do not even know what happened to him from that point on. So, Lord Chaitanya describes this in course of Mahaprakash lila.

This is described in Chaitanya Bhagavata that Lord Chaitanya tells devotees that the washerman had performed austerities for millions of lifetimes to see God. But then he got to see God, there in Mathura, he saw Krishna. But then when he saw Krishna, because he had no bhakti he offended Krishna.

And then Lord Chaitanya did not say more about washerman.

Lesson for us – we should not commit offenses.

You do not know with whom you are associating ! 

One time Srila Prabhupada was giving class in Bhaktivedanta Manor (United Kingdom). I was there at that time and Srila Prabhupada was talking how you must be careful how you deal with people and devotees. And Srila Prabhupada said that you do not know who the person sitting next to me.

You may be sitting next to Narada Muni.

Better to be more respectful than less respectful. We do not know whether washerman got another chance and fell down completely. This is an important lesson for us to consider as aspiring devotees.

We have to be tolerant, patient and never ever try to say anything which is disrespectful to anyone.


Many people say that they will believe in God only when they will see God. The washerman saw Krishna, Kamsa saw Krishna, Duryodhana saw Krishna but still they did not understand who Krishna is. Simply by seeing God does not mean that we will know God.

To know God, it is important that our heart is purified of all the impurities. Once our heart becomes pure then automatically love for Krishna will manifest in it and then whether we see God or not see God we will always remain absorbed in thoughts of Krishna, the Supreme God.

In this age of Kaliyuga, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has given the way by which we can connect to God and that is by chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra.

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