Have you ever tried making Krishna Conscious New Year Resolution? If not, then this year give it a try.
We all make New Year resolutions. In the beginning of every year, we promise to ourselves to consistently engage in those activities which will positively impact our life. We determine to work for good health, lots of wealth, beautiful spouse, luxurious house and so on. We want all these stuffs so that we can thoroughly enjoy our life.
Now, if we jog our memory a little, then we will find that last year too we had same resolutions, and also the previous year, and couple of year back too. In fact, every year we almost make the same promise to ourselves and desire the same stuffs, hoping that it will bring joy to our lives.
Hoping for happiness in this material world
Our quest for enjoying our life is not just continuing year after year but life after life. Throughout life we struggle to bring joy to our life. But surprisingly the happiness which we desperately seek for always elude us.
And even if we succeed in accomplishing some material goals, we find that the pleasure which we get from it is temporary and flickering. And such success is always accompanied with the fear of losing it at any moment. So, where is the happiness?
Now in spite of trying so hard, if we are not able to get something then it means two things – either the way we are trying is wrong or the object which we are pursuing is not worthy enough to give us what we are looking for.
Looking for happiness is not wrong. Scriptures say that we are pleasure seekers – ānanda-mayo ‘bhyāsāt. But the problem is that the things which we think will give us pleasure actually do not have the capability to give us pleasure.
For example, if someone chews a bamboo stick and hope to experience the sweetness of sugarcane juice then can it be possible? Definitely not.
Similarly, hoping for happiness in this world is akin to chewing a bamboo stick. No matter how hard we chew, nectar won’t flow from it. In fact, the opposite happens, the teeth breaks. Similarly, the more we are mad for material pleasures, the more insane we become.
A foolish person keeps on trying to derive some nectar in this world. They hope that in future they will succeed in attaining it.
What happens when a donkey dreams to marry a beautiful girl?
Once in a house lived a donkey and a bull. Their master was a heartless person. He would take lots of work from the bull. One day the bull thought that let me pretend that I am sick so that I can take rest today.
So, in the morning when the master came the bull did not get up. The man tried a lot, but the bull acted as if he is in pain. The person thought that I have lots of work, but this bull is now sick, so what to do.
His eyes went to the donkey. He thought that let me take donkey for work today. And the master saw that the donkey was happy to work. The donkey worked whole day and by the time he returned back, he was extremely tired.
The master gave him some dry grass, he ate it and slept. The next day when the master came, bull acted again as if he is sick. Master looked at the donkey. Donkey was ready to go for work. Again, he worked throughout the day and came late evening extremely tired and exhausted. Now, it became a daily routine.
Donkey reveals his heart
Once the bull asked donkey why are you torturing yourself? There is no need to work so hard. Learn from me and act as if you are sick. The donkey protested, “You do not know the actual reason, why I am working hard, so you are speaking nonsense.”
“What is the reason?” the bull inquired.
The donkey said, “Once I heard our master chastising his daughter and saying that “I am going to get you married to this donkey, one day.” So, in order to impress the master, I am working so hard. And I know that if I remain dedicated to my work then one day, I will get to marry his beautiful daughter.”
Soon the master came and the donkey although tired, limping, frothing from the mouth went to work hard with a hope that he will one day marry the beautiful daughter of his cruel master. This hope motivated him to work harder.
Why are we not experiencing eternal joy?
The same hope you and I also carry in our heart. All the materialists of the world have the same hope. Everyone thinks that a day will come when they will be able to fulfil their dream and become happy forever.
But an intelligent and thoughtful person understands the futility of such hope. They understand that whatever little pleasures which this world offers never satiates the heart. On the contrary, it becomes the cause of great distress.
Srimad Bhagavatam says, “Material desire is undoubtedly the cause of the greatest unhappiness, and freedom from such desire is the cause of the greatest happiness.” Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, 11.8.44
So, does it mean that we are forever forbidden to experience eternal joy in our life? Not at all. In fact, to be happy is our eternal fundamental right. The only reason we are not attaining it because we are looking to get it from the wrong source.
Since, we are souls, we are spiritual and not material. So, we should seek spiritual pleasures. Krishna is the source of all transcendental ecstasy, ānanda-dughaṁ, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 11.29.3.
What happens when we bring Krishna in our life?
Understanding this reality, we should pursue Krishna in our life. In Nectar of Instruction, Verse 7, Srila Rupa Goswami says, “The holy name, character, pastimes and activities of Kṛṣṇa are all transcendentally sweet like sugar candy.”
This sweetness, we too can experience if we add Krishna in our life. Just as by watering the root of a tree its branches, twig, leaves, flowers automatically get nourished. Similarly, by engaging in the service of Krishna, we will automatically feel joyful because Krishna is the source of our origin. He is the root, we his parts and parcels.
Also, Krishna’s presence can save us from different kinds of disturbances which keeps causing great fear in our heart. Just like in a forest, fire starts automatically from anywhere, similarly many times miseries enter in our lives at any time without any invitation.
But Krishna’s shower of mercy can give us relief from all sufferings. As deer tremble in fear of lions, material miseries fear in front of Krishna and quickly flees away. We all aspire for a life free from suffering and full of happiness. Krishna offers such a life. He promises this in Bhagavad Gita.
“O scion of Bharata, surrender unto Him utterly. By His grace you will attain transcendental peace and the supreme and eternal abode.” Bhagavad Gita 18.62
Experience the change by making Krishna Conscious Resolution this New Year
In the beginning of New Year, we have always made non Krishna Conscious resolutions. And have failed to get what our heart actually looks for. So, this year let us do something different, let us make Krishna Conscious New Year Resolution. Let us take a vow to bring Krishna in our life. Let us make him the centre of our life.
And instead of pursuing material pleasures, this year let us engage our mind, body and words in a way which gives pleasure to Krishna. It is said that the taste of the pudding lies in tasting it. So, let us try to taste the pleasure which scriptures promises we get when we become Krishna Conscious.
Let us offer this New Year to Krishna and experience how it changes our life for good.
To be Krishna Conscious whole year, make a resolution to do the following things:
- Chant at least two rounds of Hare Krishna Mahamantra – Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
- Daily read Bhagavad Gita of Srila Prabhupada for at least 30 minutes.
- Visit nearby Iskcon temple at least once a week preferably in the morning so that you can attend morning arati and Srimad Bhagavatam Class in the temple. If not possible in the morning then visit in the evening and attend Gaur Arati. Or whatever time suits you and is practically possible but please do visit the temple and take darshan of the deities.
- Also, join a weekly program conducted by devotees in your area.
These activities won’t take much time and whatever little time it takes is worth giving. And also do not forget to go to temple early in the morning on 1st Jan.
These Krishna Conscious activities will bring auspiciousness in life and make entire year a blissful year. So, this year please do make a Krishna Conscious resolution.