In Bhagavad Gita 14.4, Lord Krishna, who is the seed giving father of all, says that we are eternally his part and parcel. So, we belong to Krishna and not this material world.
Just like, spark is part and parcel of fire, so it has all the attributes of fire, but it is not fire. Similarly, since we are the part and parcel of Krishna, we also possess qualities similar to him but in minute quantity.
When spark gets separated from fire then it loses all its fiery quality and becomes an ash in no time. Similarly, we exhibit qualities like Krishna when we are with the Supreme Lord Krishna. We experience completeness when we remain connected to him. But when we disassociate from the Lord, we lose our divine attributes. We feel incomplete and every moment struggle with our life.
If we look around this world, we find that anything which separates from the complete whole gets annihilated eventually.
Why to unite with Krishna?
For example, if a leaf decides to separate from a tree, then it flutters by the gush of the wind before falling into the dust.
But when a leaf remains with the tree, it gets proper nourishment and has a healthy life.
We too remain happy as long as we remain connected with the complete whole i.e. with the Supreme Lord who is the source of our sustenance and maintenance.
But since we are now separated from him we are being tossed up and down, left and right by the material energy. This is the reason that we are never at peace. And how can we be happy if we do not have peace?
Krishna asserts in Bhagavad Gita that we are suffering because we have broken our bond with him.
“The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental part. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind.” Bhagavad Gita 15.7
So, Krishna in Bhagavad Gita asks us to understand that we are his part and parcel. So, we should endeavour to reunite with him, and experience fullness. Establishing relationship with Krishna is not so difficult. In fact, as soon as we start nurturing relationship with Krishna, he takes the onus of bringing us back to him.
But unfortunately developing relationship with Krishna is many times not our top priority. We busy ourselves in refining our material life and put God aside.
Mayavadis says, “Why to unite with God when we are God!”
Now, what to speak of our unwillingness to develop relationship with Krishna there are certain school of thought (eg Mayavada) which even refuse to accept that we are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. Why?
Because according to them they themselves are God and not Krishna or his plenary expansions are the Supreme Lord. According to them every Tom, Dick and Harry can become God. So, what is the need of worshipping Krishna as God. They claim that they are no less than any incarnations of God revealed in the Vedic scriptures.
Can God be under the control of material laws?
Now the question one may ask them is, “If you are God then why you are under the control of the laws of nature and not its master?” They say, “Because of the influence of the illusory material energy we have forgotten that we are God and so we are not able to exhibit the power of creation, maintenance and destruction like God. But by following certain religious practices prescribed in the scriptures, we will regain our lost glory and become God and will then act like God.”
Is it not a juvenile argument? God is the creator of the material energy then how can he come under its control. Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita that the material energy works under his direction and not vice versa.
“This material nature, which is one of My energies, is working under My direction, O son of Kuntī, producing all moving and non-moving beings. Under its rule this manifestation is created and annihilated again and again.” Bhagavad Gita 9.10
Can you exhibit any potency of God?
Followers of Mayavada doctrine say that once they renounce material life and start contemplating and acting like God then they will become God. With this in mind Mayavadis take sannyas and then start addressing each other as “Narayana” because they think that they have become God, Narayana.
Such philosophy is condemned in the scriptures and by great acharyas. Mayavadis say that by performing some religious practices they can become God. But Krishna did not do anything to become God.
He did not do any meditation or performed any austerity before exhibiting his prowess.
Krishna killed Putana when he was few days old. He killed many other powerful demons during his childhood days. He lifted Govardhan hill with the little finger of his left hand continuously for seven days and seven nights when he was mere seven years old.
When little Krishna, opened his mouth then mother Yashoda saw many universes with different planetary systems in his mouth.
Can any elevated mayavadi sannyasi do any such miracle? Can anyone of them show even a tiny asteroid in their mouth? Or can they lift even one kg of stone with any of their fingers and keep it in that position for even half a day.
Now if they are saying that they have not yet attained perfection, then can we conclude that even after practicing mayavad for several years there has not been a single practicing mayavadi who can exhibit even a fraction of potency of Krishna who performed these miracles when he was just a baby?
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu strong condemns Mayavadis
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who is an incarnation of Lord Krishna in this age of Kaliyuga clearly says that no living entities can ever become God and if anyone even thinks of becoming God then he will invite the wrath of Yamaraj.
“A living entity and the Absolute Personality of Godhead are never to be considered equal, just as a fragmental spark can never be considered the original flame.” Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Madhya-līlā, 18.113
“A foolish person who says that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the same as the living entity is an atheist, and he becomes subject to punishment by the superintendent of death, Yamarāja.” Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Madhya-līlā, 18.115
Envy is the reason why we refuse to accept God as God
Mayavadis have a desire to become God and it’s not surprising because desire to become God is not new. Scriptures are full of stories of demons who wanted to become God. Hianyakasipu thought of killing Lord Vishnu and becoming God.
Ravana wanted to defeat Lord Rama and marry Sita. Kamsa wanted to kill Krishna and become immortal. In the present age also there have been tyrannical rulers who wanted to be worshipped as God.
Almost all of us who are trying to enjoy in this material world cannot tolerate God’s greatness. Our heart burns with envy when we see the opulence of Lord. We cry in agony when we hear devotees praising him with beautiful prayers. We immediately think, “Why should Krishna get all the glory? Why not me?”
Till the time we maintain this mindset we will remain away from God and away from the pleasures of life. We envy Krishna only because we do not have friendly relationship with him.
Give up envy to reconnect with Krishna
When we read various pastimes of Krishna, we see that how he always remained surrounded by so many devotees. And Krishna lovingly reciprocates with each and every one.
Krishna has loving exchanges even with cows, monkeys and peacocks in Vrindavan. No one feels left out. And with Krishna everyone feels complete.
Everyone’s heart gets satiated. Being part and parcel of Krishna, we should not deprive ourselves of the loving exchanges which Krishna has with his beloved devotees.
We have to realize that Krishna is our best friend, best well-wisher and we are his part and parcel. And to salvage our life we should reconnect with him.
Spark can re-gain its fiery quality when it re-unites with fire. Similarly, we can regain our spiritual identity only when we re-unite with the Supreme Lord who is described as purnam (perfect and complete) in Isopanisad.
The best way to re-unite with Lord is by offering our love to him. And the simplest way to offer our love to the most lovable Lord is by chanting his all – auspicious holy names like the Hare Krishna Mahamantra.