To win any battle in life, it is important to first “win the battle within.” If we are able to do so then we will always have the strenght and enthusiasm to face any challenges in life.
How to win the battle within is very logically and systematically explained in Bhagavad Gita by Krishna. Let us try to reflect upon the teachings of this great literature. This month we are celebrating Gita Jayanti.
Every year in the month of December on the day of Mokshada Ekadasi, we celebrate Gita Jayanti. Gita Jayanti is the day when Lord Krishna spoke the message of Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna.
The message was spoken 5000 years back at the battlefield of Kurukshetra to Arjuna who was on the mission to fight against the evil forces. But just before the onset of war Arjuna was completely confused and he thought to not fight the war.
He gave the reason that if I fight then I will have to kill, and I do not want to kill the Kauravas. This statement looks very appealing and gives the impression that Arjuna is a kind – hearted person who does not want to cause pain to others.
Why Krishna asks Arjuna to fight?
Now just imagine, there are tyrannical forces who are hell bent to unleash havoc on common masses but the commander in chief of the nation’s army develops compassion for the enemies of the humanity. So, will the action of the commander in chief be justified? The answer is obvious.
This is why Krishna says to Arjuna about the necessity of fighting the Mahabharat war. It is the duty of the righteous to eliminate the unrighteous. It was not that Krishna was advocating war since beginning. In fact, he was the first person to go as a peace messenger to convince Duryodhana to live amicably with the Pandavas.
But instead of appreciating the gesture of Krishna, Duryodhana tried to capture and imprison Krishna. Krishna is not an ordinary person; he is the Supreme Lord. So, how Duryodhana could have succeeded in doing any harm to Krishna.
Krishna hardly talks about the war in Gita
War was the only option left. Because if left unchecked, Duryodhana would have caused great disturbance in the society. He was the one who had asked his brother, Dushashana, to disrobe Draupadi in the Kuru assembly. So, he had to be punished and Arjuna as a soldier had the responsibility to protect the citizens of his kingdom.
Interestingly, if we read Bhagavad Gita, we do not see Krishna speaking to Arjuna much about fighting the war. When Arjuna becomes confused about his duty and is not able to decide whether to fight or not, he approaches Krishna for guidance.
Krishna could have immediately narrated the atrocities of Duryodhana and the Kauravas and would have convinced Arjuna to fight.
But instead he starts telling Arjuna about the importance of leading a virtuous life. He further talks about the necessity of controlling the mind and senses and engaging it in the service as ordained in the scriptures. The Supreme Lord speaks about different yoga processes – karma yoga, dhyana yoga, Jnana yoga and Bhakti Yoga. He speaks again and again how to uplift the consciousness so that one lead a sin free and happy life.
First win the battle win
To win the battle outside, it is important to win the battle within. Gita helps us to win the battle within. Once we are able to gain victory over ourselves it becomes easy to deal with the outside world. And for this it is necessary to rein in over our uncontrolled mind and senses.
Although Bhagavad Gita was spoken to a warrior, but its message is relevant to everyone. If we read Gita, we feel that Krishna is directly speaking to us.
Whether one is a student, a teacher, a working professional, a housewife, a politician, a businessman, young or old, everyone after reading Bhagavad Gita gets mantra which helps them to lead a better life.
Important principles given in Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita teaches us certain principles which helps to win the battle within
- We are not material beings, but we are spiritual beings i.e. we are spirit souls.
- As souls we never die. We only change our material bodies.
- As long as we are in this material world, we will have to accept new material bodies again and again. And what material body, we are going to get in future life, depends upon our karma. If we have done bad karma, we will get a body where we have to suffer immensely. For example, we may get body of an animal, a handicapped body or birth in a place where there is so much trouble. But if we have done good karma then we will get birth in a good family, we may even go to heavenly planets.
- Krishna says that whether we are on earth or in heaven there will always be suffering. He says that this material world is miserable and temporary. Here no matter how best we try we will have to suffer. This is why sometimes this world is compared to a prison house. In a prison house a prisoner is always subjected to different kinds of suffering. And finally in this world, everyone has to die i.e. quit his current material body.
- So, Krishna asks us to leave this misery giving world and come to his spiritual abode where life is eternal and free from all sufferings.
- This becomes possible when we get attached to Krishna, the Supreme Lord and gradually free our heart from all impurities. Once we become pure, we will start experiencing happiness and satisfaction in always serving Krishna.
- And why we should get attached only to Krishna. Because he is the Supreme Lord. In Gita, Krishna reveals that he is the Supreme Lord. And to convince us, he demonstrates it practically by showing his universal form.
Know Gita to win the battle within
Now once Arjuna understands who Krishna is and who he is, it becomes easy for him to figure out his mission and purpose of life.
Purpose of life is to please Krishna and mission of life is to execute the orders of Krishna. Krishna says that he appears in this world to annihilate the miscreants and to protect the devotees who are always righteous. So, by fighting against the Kauravas and eliminating the evil Duryodhana, Arjuna assists Krishna in his mission.
Like Arjuna, we should lead our life as per the teachings of Krishna and use our mind, senses, body, words and all talent in the service of Krishna.
This material world fails to satisfy us and give happiness to us. But as soon as we bring Krishna in the centre and use things of this world in the service of Krishan then everything becomes spiritual.