Radhastami, appearance day of Srimati Radharani, was celebrated at Iskcon Newtown, Kolkata on 23rd September 2023. On this auspicious occasion, Abhishek of Srimati Radharani was also performed. This was the first time that Abhishek of Srimati Radharani was performed on Radhastami day at Iskcon Newtown, Kolkata.
Sri Sri Radha Raman, Sri Sri Nitai Gauranga and Srila Prabhupada were beautifully dressed and decorated on this auspicious occasion.
Large number of devotees had assembled in the temple hall since morning to celebrate the divine appearance of Srimati Radharani.
Radhastami class by HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhu

Devotees were fortunate to get the association of HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhu who gave a special Radhastami class. He spoke on Radhikastakam which is part of Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami’s book Govinda Lilamrta. The song name is Kunkumakta Kancanabja.
During the class, devotees sang a stanza of Radhikastakam and then HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhu elaborately described its meaning. For about two hours, devotees were completely absorbed in hearing the different transcendental qualities of Srimati Radharani who is an eternal consort of Lord Krishna.
Radhastami abhishek
Meanwhile devotees were also making preparation for the grand abhishek of Sri Sri Radha Raman. Abhishek i.e. the bathing ceremony of the divine couple was performed in the temple hall.
Following items were used during the abhishek:
- Til paste
- Pancagavya – milk, curd, ghee, gomoy (cow dung), gomutra (cow urine)
- Pancamrita – milk, curd, ghee, honey, sugar candy water
- Kusa udaka
- Rose water
- Kesar water
- Fruit juices like mango juice, watermelon juice and pomegranate juice
- Sugarcane juice
- Dhuli snana (It comprises of rice powder, banana powder, urad dal powder and Kumkum (vermilion))
- Warm water
- Sarvausadhi
- Mahausadhi
- Ratnodaka
- Coconut water
- Phalodhak,
- Puspodhak
- Sahastradhara bath
- Colourful Flowers
Temple hall was filled with devotees and there were many devotees who were standing outside because of want of space to see the abhishek. Melodious kirtan accompanied the abhishek and everyone joyful participated in singing the holy names of Radha and Krishna.
Bhoga and Arati of Radha and Krishna
After abhishek, Sri Sri Radha Raman was beautifully dressed and placed on the altar. Once the Lord came on the altar, bhoga was offered to them. Devotees since morning were preparing various delicious items which were offered to the divine couple. After offering food, arati was performed.
On the Radhastami day, devotees fast till noon. Many devotees were fasting and they broke the fast by taking carnamrita. Delicious prasadam were there for all and everyone reverentially honoured it and felt satisfied.
Evening Radhastami class by HH Subhag Swami Maharaj

Celebration continued throughout the day. In the evening devotees were blessed to get the association of HH Subhag Swami Maharaj. Maharaj is well recognized for his wonderful Krishna Conscious classes. He speaks so convincingly quoting different scriptures that it captivates the audience.
Devotees after hearing his classes feels motivated to practice devotion to Krishna with more sincerity. And those who have still not begun practicing Krishna Consciousness feels inspired to start practicing it.
In the class, Maharaj explained that Radharani’s body is spiritual and not material like us. Her body is sat-cit-ananda i.e. eternal, blissful and full of knowledge. He asked if anyone had seen a picture of Radharani where she is old or a picture of Krishna in which he is seen as an old person? The answer is no because their body is spiritual and not material like us.
Maharaj further explained that in this world, men are attracted to women and women are attracted to men. This is the cause of bondage and suffering. And this attraction for opposite sex does not end with age. Even old people are attracted to opposite sex. He explained it with this example.
Attraction for opposite sex does not go by age
Once Akbar said to Birbal that as a person grows old, he gives up his attraction for opposite sex. Birbal disagreed. He asked the king to accompany him to an old man’s house who was on the verge of death. But he said to the king to take his young daughter also with him. So, the king went with Birbal and his daughter to the old man’s house. Akbar, Birbal and other’s who were present in the room stood at one side of the bed and the daughter of the king stood on the other side of the bed. To his surprise, the king found that the old man was again and again looking towards the young girl.
So, Maharaj said that we have to give up this attraction which binds us in this material world. One who is able to give up this mundane attraction becomes qualified to return back to the spiritual world.
Wonderful day to remember Srimati Radharani
It was a wonderful day for all. Throughout the day devotees remained completely absorbed in meditating on the wonderful qualities of Radharani and her wonderful pastimes with Lord Krishna. Radharani is Krishna’s eternal consort. She is the topmost devotee of Krishna.
Srila Prabhupada explains, “Even though many devotees always think of Kṛṣṇa, none can surpass the gopīs, among whom Rādhārāṇī is the leader in thinking of Kṛṣṇa. Rādhārāṇī’s Kṛṣṇa consciousness surpasses that of all other devotees. Lord Caitanya accepted the position of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī to understand Kṛṣṇa; therefore He was always thinking of Kṛṣṇa in the same way as Rādhārāṇī.” Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Ādi-līlā 3.81
Prayer to Radharani on Radhastami
On the auspicious day of Radhastami, devotees prayed at the lotus feet of Srimati Radharani so that they always remain attached to her lotus feet and the lotus feet of Lord Krishna. Srimati Radharani is our eternal mother, she is full of compassion. It is our desire for sense gratification that is binding us to this material world and material body.
As long as our consciousness is material and as long as we do sense gratification, we will remain miserable. But many times, in spite of knowing that sense gratification makes us miserable, we are not able to give it up because of past bad habits. Our condition is akin to drug addicts who continue to take drugs in spite of knowing that it causes immense suffering.
So, we should pray to Srimati Radharani to purify our heart, our mind and our consciousness that we give up all the desires for sense gratification. And we should simultaneously pray to her to fill our heart and mind with the desire to always serve her and Krishna eternally.