A grand Ram Navami festival was organized by Iskcon Kolkata at Rabindra Tirtha Auditorium, Narkel Bagan, New Town on 7th April 2019. The devotees of New Town especially from NBCC, Uniworld, Jalvayu Towers, Greenfield, Alka Abasan society actively participated in organizing the program.

The program began with the recitation of Ramcharit Manas by the kids followed by dance drama by kids. My wife, Kanchana Madhavi, along with other ladies were training the kids for last few weeks and there efforts brought wonderful results.

Shantanu Prabhu, an expert actor, presented a drama named, “Live from Lanka.” The drama was filled with humor which entertained the audience but simultaneously it also conveyed the important message that to live happily in this world we need to take shelter of Lord Rama and so we should constantly chant Jai Sri Rama! (Shubha ho ya syam sirf bolo Jai Shri Rama)

Sri Nitai Prabhu who is currently actively preaching in New Town gave a talk on the topic “R.A.M for Prosperity and Positivity.” Using the acronym R.A.M. he explained how we all can practically apply the teachings of Lord Rama in our life which will bring peace and prosperity.
He explained:

R stands for Reality. The truth of this world is that there is suffering in this world. But many of us refuse to accept this reality and hope that the problems will automatically disappear one day. But when problem continues we become miserable. The other reality of this world is that for all the problems there are solutions. And to find permanent solution to all our problems we need to be with the right kind of people which brings us to the second letter of the word RAM
A stand for Association. Saintly people who live their life as per the teachings of sacred literature can provide the best solution to all our problems. So we should Associate with holy people whenever possible. If we refuse to live in the company of genuine spiritual personalities then we are going to suffer like Ravana who kicked out his saintly brother, Vibhishan, from his kingdom.
M stands for the ‘Might of the Holy Name’: The holy names of the Lord is so powerful that it can make a stone float in the water. So we can just imagine what miracle can happen in our life if we take shelter of the holy name of Lord Rama. The Supreme Lord’s name can help us cross the ocean of miseries and fill our life with unlimited happiness.
Participation of kids made the event colourful. Be it anchoring or dance or drama or songs the little armies of Lord Rama led from the front. As cute little monkeys they were carrying big rocks on which in big letter “RAM” was written to build the bridge on the ocean. They were enthusiastically throwing the rocks in the ocean while loudly chanting Jai Shree Ram! Their enthusiasm even enthused hundreds of audience to chant Jai Shri Ram!

At the end there was Pushpa Abhishek of Lord Rama, Mother Sita and Lakshman accompanied with melodious kirtan. 108 special food items which were cooked by different devotees were offered to the Lord.
At the end everyone enjoyed different delicacies which were offered to the Lord along with dinner prasadam.
The celebration helped to re-kindle the love which we all have for Lord Rama. Lord Rama’s beautiful form got imprinted in the hearts of all.