Why don’t we Surrender to Krishna?
If you and I surrender to Krishna, then all our miseries will immediately end. This is confirmed by Krishna himself in Bhagavad Gita 18.66, “Abandon all varieties of religion and…
If you and I surrender to Krishna, then all our miseries will immediately end. This is confirmed by Krishna himself in Bhagavad Gita 18.66, “Abandon all varieties of religion and…
After Hiranyakasipu was annihilated by the Supreme Lord, Prahlada prayed to Narasimhadeva to forgive Hiranyakasipu. Hiranyakasipu , the cruel demon, had tried his best to torture and kill Prahlada who…
Vedic literatures clearly say that our birth does not decide our caste or varna, but our activities decide it. A Sudra can become a Brahmana and a Brahmana can become…
When I first read in Srila Prabhupada’s books that God is personal then I thought what is the need to mention it? Is it not obvious that God has a…
Who is the most merciful Lord - Lord Rama or Lord Krishna or Lord Chaitanya. Scriptures tell us that they are one and the same. They are the Supreme Lord.…
You live in your home. I live in my home. But where does God live? Does God have a personal home? If yes, then where? This information is given in…
Lord Narasimhadeva protects all the devotees who takes his shelter. Other than Lord Narasimhadeva no one can give us complete protection in this world. So, we should always pray to…
You and I have committed so many sins in this life and in many previous lives. Because of those sins we suffer in this world. We may blame other people…
Will God forgive You and me for all our mistakes? Knowingly and unknowingly, we commit so many sins. So, we are always fearful of the consequences. But if we study…
When I am suffering, I always ask myself again and again, why is Krishna not helping me? Why do Krishna devotees suffer? “I have been trying to chant Hare Krishna…
In Text 2 of Nectar of Instruction (Upadeshamrita), Srila Rupa Goswami writes that prayāsaḥ (over-endeavoring ) spoils bhakti i.e. devotion to Krishna. Srila Prabhupada translates prayāsaḥ as “over-endeavoring for mundane things…
Srila Rupa Goswami in Nectar of Instruction or Upadeshamrita Text 2 writes that there are six activities which have the potential to destroy our bhakti i.e. devotion to Krishna and…