Suicide in the spur of the moment
A man commits suicide in Coimbatore (India) because his girlfriend refused to go with him to watch a movie. And a woman commits suicide because her husband refused to take…
A man commits suicide in Coimbatore (India) because his girlfriend refused to go with him to watch a movie. And a woman commits suicide because her husband refused to take…
Our desperation for quick result is one of the main reasons as why many a times our enthusiasm for devotional life starts waning and our heart gets filled with…
Happiness manifests when our heart stops hankering for the things of this temporary world and stops lamenting for worldly possessions which we failed to achieve in our life’s journey, when…
A boat carrying passengers was calmly crossing the Ganges. All were enjoying the ride. As the boat reached deep water the boatman sounded a precautionary warning: “Keep your hands off…
When sun rises in the morning then the sun rays is not so prominent but gradually as the day progresses the brightness becomes stronger and finally the rays illumines everything…
Hundreds of happy faces greeted me as I entered into the sanctum sanctorum of the Sri Sri Radha Govinda temple early in the morning. It was Janmashtami day, birthday of…
Too much obsession with oneself and with the material world makes people mad. It is not an allegorical statement but it’s a hard core fact. People actually become mad.Once with…
A devotee went to take bath in the Ganges along with his devotee friends. While swimming he went deep inside the river and started drowning. He frantically shouted for help. …
Gita has in total 18 chapters. Bhakti yoga which is the highest among all the yogas is explained from 7th to 12thchapters. 7th Chapter is called “Knowledge of the Absolute”,…
Remember Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurushetra. He wanted to run away from the battlefield and was contemplating on the possibilities of begging and living. Suppose that a soldier runs…
A high profile, ultra rich executive of world’s one of the topmost firm was found dead on a yacht due to drug overdose. He had gone there with a prostitute…
Whimsical living is just like being a two-legged animal. The purpose of our life is to cleanse our hearts and mind of all the impurities and develop deep affection for…