Dear Lord Rama, on this auspicious occasion of Ram Navami, I beg for the shelter of your lotus feet. Your lotus feet is the only shelter of all the conditioned souls of this world who are struggling hard in this world. But surprisingly because of being covered by your illusory energy most of the people do not even realize that they are suffering.
What to speak of others, I myself though suffering think that I am not suffering. And in fact, in spite of being beaten severely by the laws of material nature again and again I still carry a hope in my heart that I can be happy in this world.
A helpless life
My condition is akin to a helpless chicken struggling for survival under the butcher’s knife. I see at many places dozens of chickens are stuffed in a small iron cage and are carried by the butcher to the shop to be sold as meat.
Their legs are tied with each other and with the cage and they jostle with each other for fresh air. Just to make sure that the chickens do not die before being sold, the cruel businessman puts some grains and a bowl of water inside that prison.
And the poor and powerless chickens eat those grains and drink the water and consider it to be their life. In the slaughterhouse, in front of their eyes they see their fellow mates being picked one by one and butchered.
But still a chicken thinks that yesterday I survived and today I may survive too. When it is hoping in this way the butcher puts his hand in the cage, grabs it by its wings and pulls it out of the cage. Then he puts the chicken on the weighing machine to measure its weight so that he can get proper price from the buyer. And then picks up its knife to sever the head.
The chicken in the hand of the butcher struggles hard for life, but neither the butcher nor the buyer shows any mercy and the people around it too does not show any sympathy.
False hope
My condition is not very different. I see every moment people struggle for survival but still they fail to survive. The ruthless time can knock us down at any moment. But still I hope that a day will come when I will live here happily forever.
In this world, I am being constantly tossed up and down by the miserably waves of the material nature. I go through physical pain, emotional pain. Fellow beings betray me, insults me but still I continue with my wretched material life hoping that things will become normal in due course of time. But the truth is that expecting happiness in this material world is like expecting fresh mango juice in a desert.
So, I need to understand that for my own good I have to come out of the miserable material life and take to spiritual life. I know the truth now. So, I want to give up all my material attachments and want to get attached to your lotus feet forever.
I fail to take shelter of lotus feet of Lord Rama
Your lotus feet can only provide relief to me from all material miseries.
Dear Lord Rama, I want to just grab your lotus feet and be there forever and experience peace. If I remain under the shelter of your lotus feet which can grant any wish then all my wishes will be fulfilled.
But I have only one wish and that is to always remain under the shelter of your lotus feet. If you grant me this wish, then my life will be successful. I will serve you eternally and be happy forever.
I know that you give shelter to anyone who comes to you with pure heart. But in spite of knowing the necessity and urgency of taking shelter of your lotus feet my heart which is still attached to the mortal things and mortal beings of this world does not allow me to fully dedicate my life to you.
I am trying hard to give up all material love but I am not able to do so. My mind and senses are impregnated with unlimited material desires and it forces me to suffer in this world. I am not sure what to do. Also, I do not have the capability and strength to come out of it.
I am utterly helpless. Just like the demon Ravana captured mother Sita, similarly I am also in the captivity of my uncontrolled mind and senses. And they have confined me to this material world. I know that you appeared in this world and performed wonderful pastime with your eternal consort, mother Sita, to teach us many invaluable lessons.
Build a bridge to cross over the ocean of material existence
And one of the lessons which Mother Sita taught us was to never leave your lotus feet in any situations and circumstances. Although Ravana kidnapped her, threatened her, tried to torture her, tried to destroy her faith in you but she never succumbed to it. With great patience, determination and faith that you will surely come to rescue her she continued with her devotion.
You empowered monkey warriors headed by Hanuman and Sugriva to build a humongous bridge on the ocean to go to Lanka. In Lanka, you annihilated Ravana and his evil army of demons for mother Sita.
I do not have the capability to come to you. Just like you built a formidable bridge to reach to your beloved Sita, please build a bridge so that travelling on it I can swiftly cross the ocean of material existence and reach to your lotus feet which provides complete protection from all miseries.
Kill my material desires & I will never leave your lotus feet
Just like you killed unlimited armies of Ravana, similarly, please kill unlimited material desires which like a ghost constantly give me unlimited anxiety. You rescued mother Sita from the captivity of demon Ravana by shooting an arrow in his heart and killing him.
Similarly, shoot your arrow in my heart and kill all my material attachments which is keeping me away from you. And also impregnate my heart with the desire to always serve you and always love you.
Once my heart will attain freedom from all unwanted worldly desires, it will attain freedom from all miseries.
And once my heart is flooded with the desire to be constantly under the shelter of your lotus feet then I will attain complete perfection and will become eternally happy.
Dear Lord Rama, I will then never leave the shelter of your lotus feet.