Gaur Nitai deities have arrived in Iskcon New Town Kolkata. To welcome the deities, a special program was held on 23rd August 2021. The deities will be installed after few months. If everything goes fine then may be during Nityananda Trayodashi period the deities will be installed. Iskcon New Town Kolkata is also called as Iskcon Goshala.
HG Dayaram Prabhu, President Iskcon Kolkata, spoke how the Iskcon Newtown Temple within a short span of time have grown significantly. The number of brahmacharis (monks) staying in the temple have increased and also many congregation devotees have got connected to the temple.
This is what HG Dayaram Prabhu said:
Srila Prabhupada went alone to the west without any support. He was penniless and got two heart attacks during his journey. But he never gave up. He had faith and conviction that if I try to fulfill the instruction of my guru maharaj then automatically things will happen. He went to the west and it is said that rest is history.
Before him other sannyasi disciples of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura also went to preach in the west but did not get much success. Even with the support of the institution – Gaudiya Math. They were brilliant sannyasis. Some even spoke German but did not get much success. But Srila Prabhupada was penniless. With conviction, he surrendered.
Commitment of one, two or three people can change things. It is always one or two committed people who change the world.
Two years back we decided that we will have centers in Kolkata – in Goshala and in Motijheel. But there were lots of doubt that how it will work. It was decided that initially Iskcon Kolkata, 3c Albert Road temple will give support. But I am surprised with both the centers have done well. Have become self-sufficient and there are lots of development.
Devotees should work hard to build big Iskcon temple
Preaching has expanded. Temple is nicely maintained. Big brahmachari room has come up. Things developed without our expectation. It has picked up momentum now. If all devotees come together and put their mind and heart then things happen. We did not expect so much fund raising. Devotees can take more responsibility to build big temple. We have to bring it into reality.
HH Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj wanted this to happen. Unfortunately he left his body. Krishna is giving more responsibility. Krishna sends result. Ultimately, we cannot lay claim on the result because result is in Krishna’s hand. In Bhagavad Gita it is mentioned that five things causes result and one of them is paramatma. If we put endeavour then Krishna will empower us. Even congregational devotees can do incredible service.
Congregation Devotees can also play a major role in building the temple
Prabhupada send to London three grihasta couples. They went without any support to London. More or less without any help three couples established huge preaching in United Kingdom. They brought George Harrison in fold, one the famous Beatles. He was so much inspired by three couples and their commitment. Because of his push, Hare Krishna became household name.
Western devotees were from degraded background. People with such background were so much transformed in 3 years that they did huge preaching. I do not see any reason why we cannot do it.
Problems will be there but if we do our duty Krishna will reciprocate
There is nothing that can stop us other than our lethargy. I humbly request that do not let petty issues come in our way to render service to Prabhupada. There is no painless and difficult less situation in his world, it is duḥkhālayam aśāśvatam. Problems will be there, we have to face it. But we have to work in spite of it.
Srila Prabhupada faced so many problems. He had no place to stay, he stayed with drunkards, his typewriter was stolen, drug addicts would come to harm him. But he was determined. Nothing can hinder our progress. Initially there were problems with funds. Now it is taken care.
If we do things properly then eventually a big temple will come. If we do our duty then Krishna will reciprocate.
Devotees sing Boro Krpa Koile Krsna
After Dayaram prabhu’s talk devotees sang one of the most famous songs written by Srila Prabhupada – Boro Krpa Koile Krsna
This song was written by Srila Prabhupada on Jaladuta when he was about to arrive Amercia for the preaching mission.
After the beautiful song, HG Ananga Mohan Prabhu spoke.
This is what HG Ananga Mohan Prabhu said
One saintly person was going from village to village with disciples and giving blessings. In One village, he said that be happy and live here together. And in another village, he said that may you all separate.
His disciples were surprised. One of them asked that why you gave these two different blessings in two villages.
Guru explained:
In the village where I said may you all always stay together, the people there were bad in their behaviour. So, if they stay together in the same village then bad things won’t spread.
In the village where I said that may you all separate because in that village all are good people. If they spread everywhere then they will spread good things.
Kolkata has given so many devotees who are now going to different places and spreading Krishna Consciousness.
In every one and half a month we should have such sanga of devotees where all the devotees can together. It is such a blissful thing.
Once one devotee complained to Srila Prabhupada that the President of the temple is always chastising. But one nice thing about him is that he sings nice. Prabhupada said that I am happy that you are glorifying that he sings nice. You should tolerate every other things of him just like I am tolerating you.
Even Gaudiya mission was a glorious mission but faced problem. Srila Prabhupada took the best things and gave to his disciples. Iskcon is growing nicely. So many centers are getting inaugurated.
Srila Prabhupada birthplace to be offered to the entire world
We all should come together for Srila Prabhupada. We are offering Srila Prabhupada birthplace to the entire Iskcon devotees of the world on 31st August and 1st Sep. If we serve with happy mind then glories will come to us. We should do best to sustain our centres and assist other centres too. We should have love among each other and be sensitive to others as well.
Devotees take darshan of the recently arrived Gaur Nitai deities in Iskcon Newtown Kolkata
Devotees got an opportunity to take darshan of the beautiful Gaur Nitai deities at Iskcon Newtown Kolkata which have arrived from Jaipur. New puja room for the deities are also built and it was inaugurated by HG Dayaram Prabhu. After the inauguration devotees went in a queue to the puja room for darshan.
The deities are still in the boxes. The boxes were opened so that we could take blessings of the deities. HG Acharyaratan Prabhu requested devotees to not click pictures of the deities as the deities have not yet been installed. The darshan was accompanied with melodious Hare Krishna kirtan.
Devotees felicitated, program ends with Guru Puja and prasadam
Those devotees who have been working hard to serve the temple and build the new temple were felicitated.
At the end HG Radharaman Prabhu explained that how at war footing construction is going on at Srila Prabhupada’s birthplace.
At the end there was Srila Prabhupada Guru Puja followed by delicious prasadam.
Hope that Gaur Nitai Deities will be installed in Iskcon Newtown Kolkata soon and the devotees will get an opportunity to take darshan of the deities and serve the deities.