In this hate filled atmosphere it was heartening to read in The New Indian Express that a Muslim man sincerely serves in a Ram Mandir located in Rajajinagar, Bengaluru.
Saddam Hussein, a muslim man, has taken the responsibility of cleaning the temple of Lord Rama. Not just he keeps the temple premises free from dust but he also cleans the deity of Lord Rama, Mother Sita, Lakshmana and Hanuman.
As Ramnavami is approaching so along with other devotees Saddam Hussein is doing his job religiously to make sure that devotees do not face any difficulty on the festival day.
As per the custom of the temple, the deity of Lord Rama is taken in a chariot in the town on Ram Navami day. Saddam Hussein also looks after the chariot and carries out many mock drills so that nothing goes wrong during the procession.
Saddam Hussein does his work with earnestness and without any complaint.
When The New Indian Express asked how does people react when they see him serving in the temple , he said ““There are two kinds of people — one, who appreciate me for doing this job, the second pass comments on my work. I just greet them with a smile,’’
Lord Rama, the Supreme Lord, the best well-wishing friend of all, always wish to see smile on our faces. He does not want us to be agents of hate but he wants us to be agents of peace.
In fact Lord Rama appeared in the mortal world to deliver this message only. If we study the life of Lord Rama without any prejudice we would find that through his personal example he has taught us how we should defeat the evil which is present in our hearts and how we should fill our hearts with love.
On this Ram Navami let us all take a pledge to spread the message of peace and harmony in our family, in our society, in our country, this would be a perfect gift to Lord Rama.